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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Mindset of Training and Nutrition

In order to successfully reach your fitness and health related goals, one must train the mind. Every day, millions of people make their way to fitness facilities for countless one hour training sessions, yet never see results. Why is that? What people don't realize is how much the mind can help you reach your goals more quickly. Having a positive mindset and thinking logically about your decisions goes a long way. If some type of training program doesn't make sense to you, why would you do it? If you are someone who continues to reduce calories or stuffs their face with food to the point where you feel sick, is it working? No it's not working! Logically, that is not the right solution for you. Hard work and being persistent with your training and nutrition is the key to success. Becoming an expert of your own body does not happen overnight for anyone, so don't feel discouraged. A big part of your mindset should be focused on nutrition. Nutrition plays the biggest role when trying to change your appearance or get in shape. Instead of spending hours online reading nutrition articles, I have given you some quick informational advice below.

It is important to understand the importance of the essential nutrients and which role they play inside your body. Macro Nutrients: Protein, carbohydrates, Fatty acids Protein - Protein is used by the body to perform an enormous amount of different chemical processes in the human body. The most important one we are concerned about is its ability to repair muscle tissue. Without proper protein intake, your body would go into a catabolic state (lose muscle/shrink) whereas having enough protein will put your body in an anabolic state (ability to build muscle). Carbohydrates - Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of fuel. It is important to understand that carbohydrates are not what make your body gain weight. Although carbohydrates are not the reason one adds extra weight to their frame, when attempting weight loss, carbohydrates should be decreased to an amount that just provides enough energy for your body to perform the task at hand (work, weight training, cardio, etc.). Fatty Acids - Fats are considered the most energy-dense nutrient. They provide three major roles in the human body such as, protection of important organs, preserving heat within the body when in colder climates, and provide a large amount of stored energy within the body. Healthy fats are very important in ones diet because they help with brain function and regulate hormones. 

Water + Micro Nutrients: Vitamins & Minerals Water - Water intake is very important when trying to become more fit and healthy. One should drink at least 8 cups of water a day to stay properly hydrated. Individuals who exert more energy should drink even more that 8 cups in order to compensate for the liquid lost during activity. The human body cannot build muscle when it is dehydrated which is why alcohol is prohibited when trying to lose weight, build muscle and look great. Water also is the medium by which chemical reactions take place in the body. Without water, our bodies would slowly shut down. Vitamins - A vitamin is a non-energy yielding, organic compound that's essential to the body. Vitamins are used in metabolism to create energy through digestion, absorption, transportation and cellular metabolism. There are two categories vitamins are split into; they are water-soluble, and fat-soluble. Minerals - Minerals are inorganic substances containing elements the body needs in small amounts. Minerals can be obtained through our diet. If we eat an adequate amount of plants and meat products, our bodies usually have enough mineral nutrients to function properly.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Health Benefits of Vitamin D Foods - Good Sleep, Bones, Immunity

Vitamin D is known as the "Sunshine Vitamin" as spending time outdoors in the sun is known to increase vitamin D in the body via the skin. Our ancestors spent a considerable amount of their time outdoors, but for the first time in history, large amounts of the world population spend most of their time inside their offices and homes. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recommends some regular sun exposure (usually 5-10 min of exposure of the arms and legs or the hands, arms, and face, 2 or 3 times per week) and increased dietary and supplemental vitamin D to guarantee getting enough and preventing a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supports healthy bones, reduces diabetes risk, strengthens the immune system, remedies insomnia and soothes skin conditions. One study on vitamin D supplements for people with insomnia was published in the journal "Medical Hypothesis". 

The researchers followed 1500 patients over a 2 year period. A consistent level of vitamin D3 was maintained in their blood over many months. This produced normal sleep in most of the participants, regardless of their type of sleep disorder. During the research, the authors discovered the presence of high concentrations of vitamin D "receiving sites" or "receptors" in those areas of the brain that are related to the onset and maintenance of sleep. Vitamin D is known to keep the bones strong and help prevent osteoporosis. Vitamin D deficiency is a known cause of rickets (soft bones) in children and osteoporosis in adults.The pioneering nutritionist Adelle Davis writes about vitamin D in her book "Let's Get Well". She says: "Vitamin D increases calcium absorption... and controls the enzymes necessary to deposit minerals in bones and teeth. This vitamin can be produced on the skin by sunshine provided the oils have not been washed off." 

A study from the Journal of Investigative Medicine found that vitamin D has important functions beyond those of supporting calcium and bones in the body. It concluded that vitamin D is a boost to immunity and a deficiency of the vitamin is common in autoimmune disease - a disease where the body's immune system attacks healthy cells by mistake. These include multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes and inflammatory bowel disease. The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 400 IU (international units). Daily values are developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to help provide a general guideline, however doses of 1,000 to 2,000 IU or more daily are not uncommon. Good vitamin D foods include cod liver oil, sardines, salmon, mackerel, eggs, herring, raw maitake mushrooms, and vitamin D fortified milk and yoghurt. for  good vitamin intake i would recommend Forever Daily, you can access this products HERE under Nutritional Products category. i would love to hear your feed back about this product.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Friday, July 27, 2018

Reliable Weight Loss Meal Plans

Many people give up on diets as they haven't the time to check how many calories a product has, how much fat, how many carbs. The list seems endless. You have a diet plan, you have the commitment, you are all fired up. Then you walk around your local store several times and the reality hits home. Which products should I purchase? If you find that you feel lost as to what should you purchase and what is a portion, there is some good news. You can purchase weight loss meal plans, some of them are actually quite appealing and interesting. A little research early on will soon pay dividends as you can repeat order from the same company for as long as you are happy with them. If you get bored with their diet, a little research and you can purchase your new diet from another company. 

You should make a list of all of the weight loss meal plans available and find out all of the information that you need. Do some research and check out who is actually behind these meals as some are a lot better than others. Check out their feedback and reputation where possible. Genuine customer reviews are a good place to start when checking them out. Remember just because the adverts are classy and catchy it does not mean that the product is top notch. Do your homework. Not only should you be interested in whether the diet works, you should check what you have to do to get the meals to the table. Are they ready to eat or do you have to do any preparation work before eating them? 

How long will they last in the freezer or the refrigerator? Are they fully microwavable? Once you have finished your research and crossed one or two off your list, you should ideally have 5 to 10 companies left. Now list them in order 1 to 10. You can use your own system to decide who gets the number 1 spot. Probably based on ease of use, price, type of diet etc. Once you are done order a small amount and then decide for yourself. Are they as good as you expected? If they are you can purchase again, once you need to restock. You will now know what to expect and how many to purchase. If you get bored of the diet try another plan from your list. Maybe the number 2 diet plan. 

Again only order a small amount first time round. This way of dieting saves you going round in circles at your local store until you give up. Don't give up, stay focused on your goals and you will do it this time. A point to note... Just because the diet plan is more expensive, does not mean that it is a better product or that you will lose more weight. It maybe the firm demands a higher profit margin. Maybe they rent a dearer unit or have bigger advertising costs. If they advertise nationally, using stars to promote the diet you will find that the product will usually be dearer as they have to pay large advertising bills that includes the star/s wages.Till next time.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Monday, July 23, 2018

Ways to Do Away With Back Acne

Back acne is caused when the pores and hair roots on the back get clogged by extreme sebum which gathers and blends with dirt on the skin surface area. This in turn produces an environment suitable for germs to thrive in. The bacteria increase, thereby causing the pores to become inflamed and filled with pus. The normal friction between skin and clothing also worsens the scenario by triggering irritability. Although the back is normally fully covered up, acne on the back can be far more painful than facial acne. However, as with any other form of acne, it can be treated. Many people who suffer from back acne have a go at "popping" the zits once they become more noticeable. 

Unfortunately, interfering with the spots only serves to further aggravate the skin and add to the problem. The first step towards getting rid of the acne is by preventing the "popping" from happening. Exercising correct health is vital to getting rid of back acne. If you have long hair that rests on your back, it is suggested to wash it routinely or maintain it in a bun to avoid contact with the zits as it could aggravate the condition. At the same time, your skin will also suffer less rubbing, which can worsen the acne. Avoid using a backpack until the condition has cleared away totally, as this can cause your back to sweat far more than usual. Make sure that you maintain as healthy a lifestyle as possible if you want to get rid of your back acne. This requires a well balanced diet, drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day and getting around 7-9 hours of sleep every night. 

Your diet should be high in vitamins A, C, D and E as these are important for the regeneration and healing of skin. Try and avoid eating unhealthy food including food high in trans-fats. These are the primary culprits when it comes to acne. For an extreme case, you can see a skin specialist to treat you accordingly. In many cases, the back acne can require advanced medical treatment. Even though it is covered, back acne is more agonizing than facial acne. Avoid lugging a backpack around until the acne has cleared entirely as this causes your back to sweat more than normal. Remember to preserve a healthy way of living if you really want to get rid of your back acne.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Saturday, July 21, 2018

3 Awesome Smoothies To Help You Lose Weight

I will let you on a little secret - When it comes to weight-loss, the morning smoothie is like the most effective weapon there is against hunger. There is no other way to get all of the nutrition you need for the least number of calories. Not to mention that it helps you to fill your gut and stay hydrated. Nothing is perfect, but the smoothie is pretty darn close. So when it comes to weight loss, the biggest challenge I see people face is knowing what to eat, how much, and how often. Not knowing means not being prepared. Not being prepared means resorting to whatever is in the cupboard or fridge. The result? Poor food choices, frustration from the inability to knock-off the pounds, and the desire to just give up. Let's change that. Here are 3 smoothie recipes that you can fix for yourself as a meal (like breakfast) or meal replacement (like lunch or dinner). 

1. The Super Smoothie:

· 12 ounces of water or green tea 
· 2 scoops of vanilla flavoured protein powder 
· 1 cup of mixed berries 
· 1 handful of spinach or kale 
· 10 raw nuts 
· 2 tablespoons flaxseed 
· 1 tablespoon chia seeds 
· ½ cup plain Greek yoghurt 

2. Awesome Apple Smoothie: 

· 12 ounces of water or green tea 
· 2 scoops of vanilla flavoured protein powder 
· 1 apple (cut into wedges for the blender) 
· 1 handful of spinach or kale 
· 10 raw nuts 
· ½ cup of raw uncooked oats 
· 2 tablespoon flaxseed 
· 1 tablespoon chia seeds 
· cinnamon to taste 

3. Chocolate & Peanut Butter Smoothie:

· 12 ounces of water 
· 2 scoops of chocolate flavoured protein powder 
· 1 handful of spinach or kale 
· 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter · 2 tablespoon flaxseed 
· 1 tablespoon chia seeds 

These smoothies are all around 500 calories, high in protein, and packed with essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, they taste awesome. The best way to prepare them is with a Vitamix. This blender will pretty much liquefy anything and it is commercial grade, so it will last forever. Your smoothies will really be SMOOTH rather than chunky and full of pulp. Make sure that you chop all of the ingredients up into small pieces so that the blender blades can grab-hold and pull the food down. If the smoothie is too thick, just add some water. Also, once you have the consistency you want, add some ice cubes to blend and chill. So, if you are trying to lose weight and normally either skip breakfast or eat something with empty calories. Give one or all of these smoothie recipes a try. Once you try it, you will be hooked on a super healthy habit. Enjoy!!

If you are a Shake person, visit my Healthy Recipes Board on Pinterest.

To A Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Friday, July 20, 2018

Banish Blackheads Through Good Nutrition.

Even with the best skin care products in the world, it can prove to be almost impossible to banish blackheads if you do not incorporate good nutrition into your treatment plan. You might certainly have good luck and reduce blackheads, but in order to totally rid your skin of them it's important to take all contributing factors into consideration. The foods that we eat and drinks that we consume can all have an impact on our skin. By incorporating some changes into your diet, you'll soon find yourself with fresh glowing skin that you are proud to show off. Foods to Avoid Eating Fried and greasy foods often get a bad reputation for being the cause of an increase in blackheads. While they are not doing you any nutrition favours, consuming these foods is not going to be the sole cause of breakouts. There are a number of other things that you should consider eliminating or at least restricting from your diet. ? Excess sugar. 

This does not mean that you cannot have an occasional sweet treat, but it is a good idea to avoid excessive amounts of sugar. Eating foods high in sugar can lead to a spike in your insulin levels, which can potentially result in breakouts within a very short amount of time. ? Alcohol. Alcohol is a sugar, and it can also lead to the same insulin spike as seen with other foods and drinks. It is also empty calories, so it serves little to no nutritional value. Also avoid soft drinks with sugar. ? White bread, bagels, pasta, and more. These carbohydrates convert to sugar once consumed, and of course will not do your waist line any favours. Dairy products. Consuming too much milk, cheese, yoghurt, and other dairy products can lead to fluctuations in hormone levels and insulin level spikes. None of these foods and drinks will have too much of a negative impact on your plan to banish blackheads, so long as they are consumed in moderation. Positive Changes to Make Perhaps one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you are drinking plenty of water. 

Hydrated skin is healthy and happy skin. While diet soft drinks may not contain sugar, they cannot provide you with the health benefits of drinking water alone. Other positive changes that you can make include switching out your breads and pastas for those that contain whole grains. Whole grains also offer a fibre boost that a healthy body needs, so they are a must-have for a healthy diet. Omega-3 fish oils are not just good for your heart health, but they can do wonders for unhealthy skin. It may seem a little bit counter-intuitive to seek out fatty foods, but the natural oils in salmon offer anti-inflammatory properties. Walnuts, flaxseed oil, and beans can also provide a source of omega-3 oils. Boost your daily intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, as many of them contain antioxidants that can also help to clear up your skin. A healthy body is a happy body, and your good health will be reflected in your skin. Not only will you start to reduce blackheads, but over time you'll soon banish blackheads and other skin blemishes for good.

Recommended Product To Remove Blackheads.


This Mask Powder is a unique combination of rich ingredients chosen for their special properties to condition the skin and cleanse the pores. It is designed to blend perfectly with our Aloe Activator to create a thin mask for easy application to the face and neck. Albumen and corn starch provide drawing and tightening properties, while kaolin absorbs excess oils. Allantoin and chamomile help to condition and rejuvenate the skin.Blend with Activator to create the Facial Mask,Soothes , cleanses and tightens skin. Contains Chamomile to soothe and calm sensitive skin ,Combine with 1/2 teaspoon of honey for an extra special treat.

To A Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

7 Reasons to Buy Your Food Locally

I love the fresh produce that changes throughout the season, The smells, the flavour and the people all make a visit to the market one of my favourite things to do on a summer Saturday morning. Not only is the food delicious, but also I appreciate being able to buy from local farmers and vendors. There are several reasons why this benefits my family, and the local community, as well as me. 

Benefits of buying locally .

1. Transportation costs. The cost of fuel to transport foods from around the world to my local grocer is tremendous. One of the major drivers of food cost is transportation cost, and so buying locally can save money off my grocery bill. 

2. Environmental impact. Not only does transportation cost money, but also it creates pollution. Vehicles used to transport foods rely on fossil fuels for energy, emitting greenhouse gases - a contributor to climate change. 

3. Eating seasonally. Historically we had no choice but to eat food that was fresh in the current season. Today, we have access to many options 12 months throughout the year. For our taste preferences, that has great benefit. But I like the idea of getting back to eating within the seasons. Eating seasonally forces you to have greater diversity in your diet and allows for greater nutrient content when consumption can occur close to the time of harvest. 

4. Community economics. Buying from local farmers helps to financially support the farmers and their families, which helps to support my local economy as well. 

5. Knowing where food comes from. When I purchase directly from the farmer I can learn about their farming practices. Some farmers may choose to use sustainable and organic farming practices but may not have the financial ability to become certified organic. By talking to them I can learn how they grow their food and understand what I am really buying. 

6. Food security. I want to have food grown in my area so there will always be food grown in my area. By supporting local farmers I am increasing the likelihood of them staying around for years into the future. 

7. The farmer's market is a happy place. If you haven't experienced the joy of your local farmer's market, you must give it a try. There is no comparison to the experience of being outdoors with your neighbours shopping for fresh food. For some of the food purchases I need, being indoors in a fluorescent lighted store may be necessary, but the more I can enjoy the farmer's market the happier I will be. 

Finding a local farmer's market 

 1. FarmStand - app to find nearby farmer's markets when you are on the road. 

2. USDA website - national farmer's market directory. 
3. Talk with your local farmer's to learn where and how your food is grown. I know it will nourish your body and I believe it will nourish your spirit as well. 

Happy shopping and Healthy Living!
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Friday, July 13, 2018

Women Have A Hard Time Shedding Weight But These Suggestions Should Help

Just about everyone has a hard time in relation to losing weight but you're going to discover that women have an even harder time with this. I'm certain you're aware of the reality that women's bodies have many different hormones in them, and this might be the biggest reason that they have a tough time shedding weight. Whether it is the hormones or there is some other reason is actually not relevant, simply because regardless of this many women still need to lose weight. If you are one of the women that are having a tough time losing weight, you will find a few suggestions that may be able to help in this post. 

One of the principal reasons women have a tough time losing weight is because it is very hard for them to find a weight-loss system which they can follow. For women who have a family, they are going to typically end up making a different dinner for their family than they do themselves. Something you are going to have to do if you would like to become successful with your weight loss is to find a weight loss plan that your entire family can eat instead of creating different meals. A nutritionist will have the ability to help you come up with some type of meal plan that is going to satisfy both you and your family, whilst still supplying you with low-calorie meals. Not hitting the goals that women set for themselves is a thing that can be extremely detrimental to their weight loss plans, because when they don't reach these unrealistic goals they give up on their diet. 

Even if you have loads of weight to lose, you are going to see that a realistic goal will be between 2 and 3 pounds every week, and any more than that is impractical. When you discover that you are reaching your realistic goals, you are going to wind up being more motivated, and be able to continue your weight loss. For individuals who may be more determined than others, and are also including exercise in your weight loss system, you may possibly want to set your goal slightly higher. Regardless of who you end up talking to, you're going to see that doctors and nutritionists alike will suggest that your goal never exceed 5 pounds per week. If you're one of the women who want to lose 5 pounds each and every week, not only are you going to need to go on a strict diet, but you are going to need to incorporate exercise as well. I should also mention that the exercise you're going to be getting will also have other benefits aside from weight loss, such as giving you a better cardiovascular system. 

Many women that are overweight, haven't been exercising in a while, and because of this it is very important that you take it easy at first. Many men and women have a lot more success with their weight loss when they are trying to accomplish their goals with a partner. Because of this it is advisable that you team up with one or two other individuals who are making an effort to drop some weight as well. As long as you truly want to lose weight, and you are willing to follow the suggestions above, there is no reason whatsoever that you will not become successful.if you are one of those people looking to shed some weight, you might want to take a look at this website maybe you might find something there. under Weight management.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Top 3 Reasons Your Acne Will Not Go Away

If you constantly suffer from acne I'm sure you will be familiar with that feeling of seeing the impossibility of finding a cure. But the truth is, many acne sufferers engage in activities and behaviors that rather than cure their acne increase it. What are these behaviors? And how could one break free from them? 1. You still don't know what triggers your Acne Outbreak There are various types of Acne and a major step in curing this skin condition is knowing the type you have. This knowledge which will reveal the 'culprit' (trigger) in your acne outbreak to you is an important step in staying acne-free. 

It is shocking to note that thousands of acne-sufferers don't know what type they have, or what triggers the outbreak. Some common acne types are Adult Acne: This is often caused by medications, stress, pollution and even hormone imbalance. Medication-Induced Acne: This is usually brought on by chemicals found in drugs and medications. Usual causes are bromides, androgens, phenytoin, iodides, isoniazid, corticosteroids, and lithium. Cosmetic Acne: This is an uncommon form and is mainly caused by some ingredients find in cosmetics e.g. lanolins, myristate, etc. These are just a few of the numerous acne types. 

Additional information on types and triggers is available online. 2. You believe that your diet has no affinity with your Acne Outbreak Well, there has been no conclusive scientific study that has established that acne and diets are connected. Nevertheless, hundreds of people are finding out that by merely adjusting what they eat their acne situation improved. What you should do is to note in writing when and how your outbreak occurs. Or you could simply list the foods that people believe cause acne, and observe your body reaction whenever you eat one of the foods on the list. 

This small step can tip the scale in your favor in your fight against the chronic skin condition. Examples of food that are usually named as a suspect in acne outbreaks are: Fried and greasy foods Sugar Alcohol Dairy products White bread The key is not to stop eating these foods altogether but eating them in moderation and watching your body's response. You could also add to your diet foods that have been proven over the years to boost skin health. These are fresh vegetables and fruits which contain antioxidants that clear up the skin. 3. You regularly buy over the counter drugs to treat your acne It is often said that many acne treatments cause much more problems than they fix.

 The truth is that the majority of over-the-counter drugs for acne just don't work. This might be attributable to my first position above concerning acne types and triggers. Many acne medications only work for a particular acne cause. To get an effective acne medication you need to know what type of acne you have, and what triggers it. The main reason I don't recommend drugs in acne treatment is that a lot of anti-acne medications actually contains chemicals that are harmful to the body. If you are someone who regularly uses different types of drugs for your acne, you might be doing more harm than good. If you will take the medication path, first find out the type and trigger of your breakout, then look for the drug that cures that particular type.

To A Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

For A Healthy Diet Changing As Well An Unhealthy Snack List

Eating snacks while at the office or at home just after lunch is a common event. It usually doesn't matter if the snack is healthy or not, or what the effects of these snacks can have on our overall health. Bad habits are like viruses in your diet, causing bad health in what you are eating. If you don't clear these viruses out then the cycle will continue and ruin your life. Our eating pattern becomes a habit that most people fall into through no real fault of their own. When selecting a certain diet most people don't have the patience or the know how to try several things to see if they work, let alone to try many to find one that does work. 

Where does a good diet start from? Healthy eating and drinking within recommended guidelines is very much a part of an ideal diet. As well, your social life is as important as your diet for good health. Being socially connected is vital to good mental and physical health. People who are socially connected not only live longer, they're less likely to succumb to a variety of diseases. The effects of food on health are well established and some people are fully aware of this. Diet changes can help losing weight, control diabetes, protect against cancer and prevent heart disease. Food is our basic building block and fuel for our health.

 Often simple changes to our diet can make a positive difference to our health, adding more natural foods such as fruits and vegetables especially leafy greens to your diet, as well at the same time eliminating processed foods and sweet drinks. Foods that contain few nutrients add to obesity, rob the body of vitamins, minerals and promote acid indigestion. It is important that a diet is as natural, dense and organic as much as possible. When changing from an eating pattern after consuming mainly processed food over a long time becomes a shock to the digestive system where many changes are taking place. This is often a sign of different things and one of them is a certainty: Cravings for food will increase.

 However, when changing from a bad diet to a good one some adjustment time is necessary. Here are some ideas and options if hunger pain strikes between meals. Healthy Snack List for Sweets What if you had a healthy snack list that you can refer to when hunger strikes? This will not only keep your overall health but also helps detoxification of your body. Here is a snack list if craving sweets: A ¾ cup of mango tossed with lime juice and some red pepper flakes on it makes a healthy diet. It will give you around eighty-six calories and two grams of fat. One sheet or four small graham crackers spread with one teaspoon of each skin ricotta along with jam is also a good example of healthy snacks. It will give you around eighty-six calories and two grams of fat. Half a cup of strawberries which are fully tipped in chocolate is another option. To make it even better microwave one tablespoon of chocolate chips for ten-second increments until it's melted. 

This will give you around ninety-three calories and four grams of fat. You can also take half a large pink grapefruit, sprinkle it with half a tablespoon of brown sugar and then boiled for five minutes. This will give you sixty-nine calories and absolutely zero gram fat. Healthy Snack If You Are Craving For Salt Half a cup of edamame (bean-soybeans) sprinkled with some salt (use sea or rock salt, not table salt), is the first option for a healthy snack list. It will give you about ninety-five calories and four grams of fat. One large boiled egg sliced up and sprinkled with cumin and salt is also beneficial for your health. Use celery seeds or nutmeg if required. This will give you around eighty calories and six grams of fat.

 Take three ounces of deli turkey with half a teaspoon of Dijon mustard spread over it. Roll it up by using two romaine lettuces for your healthy snack. It will give you around ninety calories and one gram of fat. One cup of Campbell harvest light soup of a roasted chicken with Italian herbs is also a nice example of healthy snacks. It will give around eighty calories and three grams of fat. A Healthy Snack List if You Are Craving Crunchy Take some tortilla chips along with two tablespoons of salsa for dipping the chips before you eat. This will give you around eighty calories and three grams of fat. Slice a small apple and toss it with one teaspoon of cinnamon and bake at 250 until they are crispy. 

It will give you ninety-nine calories and zero fat. One cup of Jicama sticks with two tablespoons of hummus is a good option. It will give you ninety-six calories and three grams of fat. One rye crisp-bread topped with one sliced tomato. It will give you ninety-nine calories and five grams of fat. These are several of the options you can use in case of hunger becoming the better of you between meals. This is also a good time to eat fruit between or before a meal, because you should never eat fruit after a meal. The most important step to a healthier life is the change to a healthy diet.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Monday, July 9, 2018

All Green Leafy Vegetables Make Healthy Food Choices

When it comes to living foods, green leafy vegetables stand alone. This is because of a synergetic combination of chlorophyll, vitamins, and minerals in green plants. As often happens, a concerted mix of different things can solve problems. Indeed, a hint from mother nature can open your eyes to some clever and innovative food and nutrition ideas. Why Vegetables Are Good For You Broadly, chlorophyll, in leafy greens, has an atomic structure that marvelously resembles human blood. However, chlorophyll has a magnesium atom while human blood, an iron atom. Making a world of good, raw vegetable enzymes can change the magnesium ion to an iron one. This way, your blood produces more red blood cells in order to fight diseases better. Thus, vegetable juicing is even better than fruit juicing when you understand the tremendous use of chlorophyll. 

Secondly, chlorophyll has many wondrous antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can combat internal stresses and hasten the healing of wounds. Besides, this green substance of leafy vegetables has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that cleanse your blood and liver; and remove toxins from your body as well. As if that is not enough, chlorophyll also contains Vitamins A, C, and E that fortify your immune system against diseases. Thirdly, the chlorophyll in all kinds of greens helps suppress hunger. For example, there is not much sustenance in a rice salad without freshly chopped herbs like thyme, rosemary, sage, marjoram, and tarragon. Moreover, fried noodles when topped with thinly sliced lettuce will cause less colon cell damage. In a nutshell, the chief use of chlorophyll is to keep you alive and well. Health Benefits Of Vegetables Firstly, low-calorie leafy vegetables are ideal for weight loss. You can also safeguard your eye health with the lutein, zeaxanthin, and carotenoids of dark-green leafy vegetables. Moreover, a green diet figures prominently in maintaining good eyesight. 

Additionally, leafy green foods can accommodate special dietary needs of Type 2 diabetes sufferers since they are high in magnesium and of a low glycemic index. In fact, for those who include a lot of fiber in their diet, the odds are rather low for type 2 diabetes, as new research shows. More importantly, it is certainly worth a try to reduce the risk of cancer with low-fat, high-fiber, mineral and vitamin-rich leafy vegetables. In fact, greens are a valuable source of antioxidants with anticancer properties Puns On Greens Aside, we cannot help to take a swipe at vegetables and vegetarianism. For example, George Bernard Shaw once said, "I am oppressed with a dread of living forever. That is the only disadvantage of vegetarianism." Taken more seriously, the longevity green diet is nothing like a prolonged, green-less life of poor health. So the joke is on him. Further, Rita Rudner commented,"I was a vegetarian until I started leaning toward the sunlight." On the surface, it is very funny, but having tasted the goodness of chlorophyll, will you not be more favorably inclined to the source of your health and well-being? 

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Wellness Coach

Friday, July 6, 2018

What You Need To Know About Weight Loss Programs.

Weight stays to be a standout amongst the most difficult subjects with a decent number of individuals searching for the most ideal approaches to get more fit and stay in shape. Considering how unfortunate and dangerous inordinate weight can be, it is for the most part fitting to discover approaches to keep up your optimal weight to limit the dangers. Sadly, there is excessively disarray as to which projects, eating methodologies and projects are best with regards to cutting weight. Discovering however much as could reasonably be expected about your weight reduction alternatives is the best manual for a program, an eating regimen or an item that will work for you. 

Here is the thing that you have to know:

1. It is vital to include your specialist, nutritionist or dietician in your get-healthy plan to manage you through the best sustenances, activities and help you screen your advance. Here and there it isn't sufficient to take up the program independent from anyone else in light of the fact that it is anything but difficult to lose center. 

2. While picking a weight reduction item, discover as much as you can about it first. Consider each fixing that has been utilized and how accommodating it will be towards helping you lose the weight. Pick slim down items that have clinical support, unconditional promise and fixings that are guaranteed and managed to be erring on the side of caution. 

3. Keep in mind that in light of the fact that a program, eating routine, or item worked for one of your companions, it doesn't ensure that it will work for you. The best thing you can do is let an expert guide you into the best program most reasonable for you and the best items that will enable you to accomplish your coveted weight. Weight reduction targets fluctuate starting with one individual then onto the next and bodies respond contrastingly also. Spotlight on your program and give it your best despite the fact that it requires investment to produce the coveted outcomes. 

4. No single program will convey medium-term come about for you. Thus, go into your get-healthy plan with a receptive outlook and set sensible objectives to keep frustrations under control. Be ready that it could take more time to accomplish wanted weight when following a sound exercise and eating regimen administration. 

5. There are such huge numbers of prevailing fashion consumes fewer calories and ineffectual items in the market. Some contain fixings that do close to nothing or nothing to help your weight reduction. Set aside the opportunity to painstakingly analyze what you are going to get yourself into before putting resources into it. You can utilize audits to decide the potential that the program or item has for you. 

6. Once in a while eating solid isn't sufficient. You may need to fuse a couple of way of life changes and activities into your get-healthy plan to appreciate victories. The mystery is to concoct an arrangement that you can stay aware of each and every day. 

7. Some get-healthy plans don't work exceptionally well with some restorative conditions or meds. This is the reason it is critical to include your specialist and a weight reduction expert to enable you to settle on the correct decisions without bargaining your wellbeing.

If you would like to start on a weight loss journey and have no idea where to start, visit my Website and take a look at my weight management section and maybe you will find something FIT for you.

To Healthy Living
TP Maluleke
Health And Welness Coach